Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

We were blessed with an early Christmas present last week when my dad flew out from Virginia for a brief visit. My mom didn't make it, but, knowing the girls' love for books, sent a special new book out for them, which my dad had the task of reading to them: The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. Toomey's nickname is Mr. Gloomy, and he believes Christmas and miracles are nothing but "pish-posh" until he encounters the widow McDowell and her son, Thomas. It is extremely well written - captivating, even - with stunning artwork to compliment the story. It was an immediate hit with our entire family, and I'm sure it will get pulled out every year for more readings. Not surprisingly, it has a 5-star rating at Amazon. Check it out!

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