Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, Elise!

With our kitchen out of commission when we'd planned on having Elise's 8th birthday (early February), Elise's birthday was postponed till today. The kitchen is still out of commission, but we went ahead with the party anyway, and boy, was it a hit. Last fall, the girls had won a gift basket that included a birthday package with Rich Ihle, "The Reptile Guy". He arrived on the scene this afternoon with about 9 of his reptilian friends. Pictured here is 16' Theresa, a 7-year-old reticulated python (they've been known to grow to almost 40 feet!). This gal was HUGE. As the birthday girl, Elise had the privilege of getting to handle all the snakes & lizards, and she embraced the opportunity with amazing gusto!

If any of you in the Phoenix area are ever looking for a unique and memorable birthday party, we highly recommend Rich of Reptile Adventures. He was absolutely terrific with the kids, and the program was excellent from beginning to end!

Happy 8th birthday, Elise! We love you!

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The Kempiak Party of Five said...

Oh she's one brave girl. Yikes!

The Kempiak Party of Five said...

Oh she's one brave girl. Yikes!