Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm a bit overdue on posting something so thought these couple of photos of the girls, taken today, would be appreciated. The girls are growing up fast! 4-year-old Grace (2nd from left in the top photo) learned to read and ride a bike last week. Brooke (on the left in the above photo) is just over 2 1/2 years old, and is progressing quickly with her language. As you can see, she's got a winning smile, too! Elise & Chloe are both doing great as well - busy with ballet, Girl Scouts, Bible study, and books. Always lots of books!
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Unknown said...

Oh, I love these photos of my young buddies from way back! The last time I held Brooke, she was justa little baby. Each girl is so special and different from each other. Time sure flies and I grateful for all that God has blessed your family with in AZ!

Much love to you!

Jui said...

Wow! I can't believe how much the girls have changed since I saw you last in November! Especially Brooke.

Missing you a lot a hope to see you sometime soon.

bjstoops said...

Thanks for the comments, Margaret & Jui. We have to connect with both of you soon and revamp your memories of the girls. They shouldn't be allowed to grow this fast!