Sunday, December 12, 2010

Further Outnumbered

We had written earlier about our decision to finally get a dog. Boscoe joined us earlier this year and immediately made his puppy presence felt. In fact, we still have a variety of reminders around the house from his brief time with us: holes in the sofa cover, chewed up cabinets and baseboards, chewed blinds in the living room, dress shoes with teeth-mark chic, etc. Minor damage to the house aside, Boscoe was a bit too playful for our younger girls, so we finally decided that it just wouldn't work out. Happily, he has found a new home now, though I do miss having another guy in the house ;-) We did all enjoy having a dog enough that we decided to check into other options, and in late September Roxy came to join our family. She's a cute 6-year-old Jack Russell terrier that we rescued from a shelter. Though we wish sometimes that she had some of Boscoe's energy, she's been great for our family -- easy to care for, great with the kids, loves visitors, is 100% house trained, and does not feast on shoes or furniture. The only downside is that I (Brad) am now outnumbered 6-1 by the females in the house!
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