Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back to School

It seems that summer just began a few weeks ago, and THAT means it is time to head back to school here in Arizona! Elise & Chloe (far left & far right) were excited to return to Edu-Prize with teachers that they both enjoyed last year. Awesome having that continuity! The one big change for this school year is that Grace (center) is now officially a Kindergartener. So we've got 3 kids in school now, and just 1 to go. Wonderful milestones for us, and for these precious girls that God has entrusted to us.
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robinmelina said...

love the blog, impressed someone actually keeps one! I use Edgar Schein´s Career Anchors endlessly - interesting he has a book on org culture, will check out immediately. did you like the book?

Jamie Wagner said...

What great memories and photos they will hold on to all their lives!!

bjstoops said...

@robinmelina: Schein's org culture book is a classic work on the subject. Very worthwhile if you have involvements in that area.

@Jamie: Great memories, indeed. I am trusting that these will prove to be positive "digital footprints"!