Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet Bosco

A few years ago, when we were forced to leave Central Asia, we had to leave behind Boots, our rambunctious, but very much loved pooch. As a family we've talked on & off about getting a dog since that time, and finally felt led to consider it more seriously. About a month ago, we came across a dog named Bosco on the website of a local animal rescue group called Desert Paws Rescue. He looked every bit as cute as puppies should, and was a border collie/lab mix -- highly intelligent, easy to train, and great with kids. He seemed like the perfect dog for us! We were in VA at the time, but thought that if he was still around when we returned to AZ, we'd go take a look. We put it in God's hands. Alas, Bosco was adopted before we returned home. However, on a whim, we happened to return to Desert Paws Rescue's website again last week and discovered that Bosco was back! His previous owners decided not to keep him so put him back up for adoption.

Sounds like it was a slam dunk for us, but... one big obstacle remained -- my allergies. I'm terribly allergic to most dogs, so Bosco had to pass the enormously challenging "I-won't-send-Brad-into-fits-of-sneezing-and-asthma" test. So before we allowed the girls to go see Bosco on adoption day, I snuck over to spend a bit of time with him to see if I'd have a reaction. After 30 symptom-free minutes, I called Janelle to give her the green light on bringing the kids over. The rest is history. Bosco came home with us a few days ago and is settling in as the latest member of the family. All the credit goes to God for working this out in ways that we never could have orchestrated.
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